What Are You Filled With?

Ex. 34:6 NLT “I am slow to anger and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness.” This is what God said to Moses when He came down and passed in front of him. Since we are to be like Him, remember He created us in His image, my question is, “what are you filled with?” Joseph… Continue reading What Are You Filled With?


Ex. 40:34 NLT – “Then the cloud covered the Tabernacle and the glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle.” God woke me up with songs about glory and when I read my devotion, it ended with His glory. Glory, glory, glory to the Lamb Glory, glory, glory to the Lamb For He is glorious and… Continue reading Glory


Rest…we all long for more of it and here God, our loving Father, says He just gives it to us. He even commanded a rest on the seventh day but how many of us actually pay attention to that command? Did He really mean do nothing all day?! Why do we question something that is… Continue reading Rest


Mk. 3:9 KJV “And He spoke to His disciples, that a small ship should wait on him because of the multitude lest they should throng Him.” The Amplified defines throng as press hard upon Him and crush Him. Throng is not a word we use today. We’d say don’t crowd me or stop pushing me.… Continue reading Throng


To Dedicate means to set apart for special use as in for God. This writing comes about after reading Ex. 29 regarding the dedication of the priests. They were set apart to minister to and for God. They anointed their head, ears, and feet as well as their clothes. They set apart their heads to… Continue reading Dedicate