The Lord is Peace

Judges 6:24

The Lord, the One who holds all the keys to my life, is my peace.

Lord is One Who has power and authority over others. I have to allow Him to have the power and authority over me. He won’t force Himself on me. When I submit to His Lordship over my life, then I’ll have peace because He knows the plans that He has for my life and how it should go. I don’t.

Peace means wholeness, nothing missing, nothing broken. If Jesus is Lord in my life, then I can be whole. Peace will be available to me. I choose peace. I choose Jesus as my Lord.

By Cindy

I am my mother's daughter in that I like to express myself in writing and in speech. I love to study God's Word and express what I have learned and hope that by doing so I can encourage others in their walk with God. I am a piano teacher (since 1983). I've been married since 1980. I love crafting and music and reading and some gardening.

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