Watch the Door #4 – Supper

Rev. 3:20 “Look at me. I stand at the door. I knock. If you hear me call and open the door, I’ll come right in and sit down to supper with you.

Jesus wants to have fellowship with us.  He wants to hang out with us and eat and have fun.  I’ve heard that if it wasn’t for sin, God would never have had a serious thought.  I like that.  I like to think of my Father as a fun-loving, playful person.  I really think He likes to eat!  Just think about all those feasts He told the Israelites to have.  He commanded them to feast.  And it wasn’t just eating but eating with joy!  That sounds like fun and laughter to me.

If He is standing at the door knocking, where are we?  Are we close enough to the door to hear the knock?  Or are we in the basement, depressed and feeling lonely.  Or in the attic, having so much worldly fun that we can’t hear the knock.  I want to be close to the door listening for His knocking invitation to go party.

We stay close to the door through listening to our spirit and keeping our minds free so that He can speak. Stay in worship, in the word, in prayer.  He loves to hang around people who are interested in the same things He is.

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By Cindy

I am my mother's daughter in that I like to express myself in writing and in speech. I love to study God's Word and express what I have learned and hope that by doing so I can encourage others in their walk with God. I am a piano teacher (since 1983). I've been married since 1980. I love crafting and music and reading and some gardening.

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